Copycatch Software

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Academic dishonesty, Plagiarism, Plagiarism Detection Tool, Text Matching Software, Safe Assignment, SafeAssignment, Safe Assign. CFL Software. Computational Forensic Linguistics. We make document searching fast, simple and accurate and help you easily identify the similarities and differences.

Venkatesan Guruswami

Social Network

Overview The tools in the analysis suite are typically used by Forensic Linguists in law enforcement to gather and assess evidence in cases of malicious emails, threatening letters and other suspect written material. Replacement shaft for ping g20 driver. Lexical Feature Marker (LFM) LFM deconstructs language into its functional and grammatical components. While inherently capable of identifying 'true' language it can additionally be augmented to recognise slang and business or technical terminology. Used for instruction as well as investigation.

Anomaly Detection

Summariser An automatic summarisation system which uses an approach designed to produce summaries of a length and content which can be varied by the user.