Hizashi No Naka No Real Patch
Hizashi no naka no real patch Get more files about mediafire hizashi no naka no real uncensor patch quickly. Rapidshare files for hizashi no naka no real v15.
Atleast Im not the only one, this is highly frustrating. I tried reinstalling few times, deleting savedata, starting from the beginning and nothing new happens.You can tell whether you're running original 1.1 or Complement by looking at the bottom right of the 'Mu Soft' start screen. If you see a 'Add Edition 1.0' and a rotating red line, then it's Complement: As for the saves, I can't give a definite answer. You're using Flash 7 to run the game, right? The state file I posted on the first page of this thread works fine on my install. The only changes I did was converting the '00 00' sequences to '3F F0' as shown in this screencap. You have to repeat it for every cl.Data block with numbers 1-XX.
Leave one 00 unchanged and change the two following with your favorite Hex-Editor (used Ultraedit) Changing values of ejectNum, emissionNum. The same way (try to change the bytes immediately following the string from 00 00 to 00 40) to get a value of 8. Got one more question thou: With 100% unlocked, I have access to 'APPEND' scenes, which I couldn't manage to access in-game? The directory is hidden by default thats why you can't find any trace of the files or directory's.
Mu Soft Hizashi No Naka No Real Walkthrough

Turn off hide hidden folders or use something like servant salamander ^^' to get the pen scene, take her snack, select the bag, lift her skirt, choose first option, lift skirt, play with her till she opens her legs (panty still on) rub her till she starts to moan, close her legs, remove panties, she should open her legs by herself, rub her for about 30 sec's, stop, she will talk to you - pen scene! I think that button sets difficulty - if you klick it and do a day, the things you accomplished will be in a different color. Don't know if it makes it easier or harder, or what.Thanks for your help, I think I've found what is this button. When you activate it, like you said, 'the things you accomplished will be in a different color'. The button is probably a sort of 'temporary mode' because all news spot than you have when you are in this mode will not be saved if you exit the game. But if you click on the button which appear in 'play data' when you are in this mode, spots in orange will become blue and will be save.
Thanks for your help, I think I've found what is this button. When you activate it, like you said, 'the things you accomplished will be in a different color'. The button is probably a sort of 'temporary mode' because all news spot than you have when you are in this mode will not be saved if you exit the game. But if you click on the button which appear in 'play data' when you are in this mode, spots in orange will become blue and will be save.ok, looked it a little bit more up. Blue = Automatic Save (自動保存) Orange = no Automatic Save. Not sure if it's old news, but I figured out how to get the 'different angle' scene.
You need to have her completely naked, and have her on her knees position, and have automatic on. Start.ing her until the automatic animation kicks in. Then position your cursor just above the icon that gives you the internal shot button. You will see that your mouse pointer would have the 2 arrows picture on it (looks exactly like the switch position icon). Click it and voila, you have your side angle.
Now, click again to go back. Turn on the internal shot button, then change back to the side angle.

Now wait for you to cum. After doing this, you should end up filling the last group of dots on the 4th day, first row. Still having problems with the finger scene during day 3 with green shirt. I started from scratch after I got compliment, and I can't get the finger scene, yet I'm still missing 2 dots from day 3.