Iron Man Mk 42 Pepakura Files

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  1. Iron Man Mark 45 Pepakura
  2. Iron Man Mark 42 Pepakura Files For Cardboard
Iron man mk 42 costume

What is Pepakura? Pepakura File Armory. (Helagak): Iron Man 3 - Mk 42 Files (theRPF). Replica Costuming Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community.

I've gone through 1 spool of 1kg filament so far, just changed spools and have 4 parts left. I was trying to print without rafts and scrapped about 6 big pieces doing trial and error on infills and thickness. Building now with rafts, supports, 5% infill, standard layer thickness (can't remember the default) and everything is turning out great. Pretty sure I used some of the first spool on half a helmet too though, as well as some other small parts.

It is possible (depending on table size, i'm using a replicator 2) to combine some of the pieces so they print as 1 to save some time.

COMPLETE MODEL REBUILD!! Allow me to introduce, my new MARK 42 project! I know there are other fine mark 42 projects on this board. (Im looking at you jackiesrockin and neuer22! =D ) but my first files were just sitting there staring at me, MOCKING me, saying 'you can do better!!' Also, i wanted to make a more accurate mk42 that was 3d printable for this years halloween. So i figured i would make the new files paper and foam pep friendly while i was at it.

The Discussion for the rebuild starts on page 12 of this thread anyways!! Here are the new mark 42 files unfolded so far! Updates will be added to this first post.

FINISHED UNFOLDS These are unfolded by me because of confusion with scaling and such. So i went back and unfolded everything.


ABS COD / HIP PODS BUTT here. THIGH KNEE SHIN BOOT WHOLE LEG FOAM EDITS BY IRONMAIDED MARK 42 CHEST MARK 42 BACK MARK 42 LEFT SHOULDER MARK 42 LEFT BICEP MARK 42 LEFT FOREARM resized, letter versions of ironmaided's foam unfolds! Resized to fit 5'10' 180lbs CHEST FOAM UNFOLDS BY SPEEDSTER SHIN Helagak's Abs unfolded by speedster: Helagak's chest unfolded by speedster: Helagak's back unfolded by speedster: Helagak's boot unfolded by speedster: Helagak's arm unfolded by speedster: Helagak's Helmet unfolded by speedster: OLD POST STARTS HERE Hey all. It seems that the mark 8 project is faultering. So i decided to share my model with the world in hopes that someone can get some use from it!

Iron Man Mark 45 Pepakura

I have no intention of buiding this suit. At least not in pep. I have too much other stuff on my plate. So if someone wants to take these files and unfold them, by all means. Do so.:-) If you use them, or edit them or what not, just please credit me.credits.

I would like to thank IMIM2 for his source materials, ideas and all the pushing me to get this modeled. Also of course to stealth and all the other great members on this site who without, I never would have even thought about starting this project.:-) FOR ANYONE LOOKING FOR THE OLD MARK 8 FILES!! All the 4shared files are down. (I think.) But Ironmaided has kindly put them all together in a.rar file!

Iron Man Mark 42 Pepakura Files For Cardboard

Files so far: Unfolds Foam files By Ironmaided Bicep:urlForearm unfolded Hand plate Shoulder Chest Back Abs: Knee Shin: Boot: By Manzi Hand plate unfolded by Manzi By sauer33 Seperate knee: 3d model parts: Complete Mark 8.The hands are not included in the file as they are zabanas model and not mine to distribute. Forearm: Hand plate: Shoulder: Bicep: Thigh: Knee: Shin: Boot.