Racial Program For The Twentieth Century Pdf

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Jew Watch - Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Jewish Racial Genocide Policies in USA Frank Weltner Presents.

  1. The Twentieth Century Imdb
  2. The Twentieth Century Tv Show

There are different claims and/or opinions circulating in cyberspace these days on why Barack Obama should not be the President of the United States US. The wide range of claims and /or opinions include the rather controversial one that he is not a native US born citizen, or that he is not qualified to hold the position, and even that he is an 'Uncle Tom' puppet among others in between. However, in all the available information on websites, magazines, newspapers and other sources, none that I know of have mentioned to enlighten audiences on the historical link between the so-called 'civil rights' of the 1960s-1970s, and the 'election' of Barack Obama as 'President' of the US at critical and decisive times, when the real threat of a fascist state is a reality that too many brainwashed duped zombies still don't believe or preferably ignore for whatever reasons. If you ask the average citizen -in particular the young- what they know about the 'civil rights' of the 1960s-1970s, people will tell you that it was a movement to 'liberate' blacks from oppression by whites and to gain social equality.

This is common thinking when considering the length of time passed since the covert concept was first created in the US during the early 1900s, by Zionists posing as humanitarian 'saviours' of blacks from brutal slavery, as part of an elite conspiracy linked to establish a one government for the whol e world. The concep t is deep-root ed in the writi ngs of Israel Za ng wi ll, a Zi oni st wh o wr ot e an d pu bl is hed 'T he Me lt in g Po t. ' Hi s writings camouflaged the real conspiracy intend with a purported plan to convert the US, into a country wherein Jews and blacks only were mixed and shared as a vehicle to suppose dly end racial prejudice, so rampant and entren ched in socie ty then and now, as an important pillar of the capitalis t social struct ure for the tension it creates among peopl e, who are distracte d by it from focusing on real important issues. Zangwill's writings did not in cl ud e an y ot he r no n- wh it e et hn ic gr ou p in th e US, no t ev en Na ti ve Americans or Mexicans who were also murdered and their land stolen, but it was this plan that laid down the basis for the artificial race relations between blacks and Jews in the US that deliberately excluded others also in oppressi ve social conditi ons. The decept ive and well disguised writin gs of Zangwill were enthusiastically embraced by Israel Cohen, also a Zionist, wh o al mo st im me di at el y be gu n wr it in g hi s ow n id eas an d ev en tu al ly published a book entitled 'A racial program for the 20th Century' which he described as a 'humanitarian follow up' of Zangwill's writings.

In a great coincidental irony, the National Association for the Advancement of Colour People NAACP which is a camouflaged hoax 'civil rights' organization in the US appeared to carry out the directives laid out in the wr it in gs by Is rae l Co he n. Th e NA AC P wa s an d st il l is an el it e fr on t disguised as a 'civil rights' organization originally created by Jacob Schiff, a sup er Zi on is t wh o use d a hy br id mu la tt o wh ose nam e wa s Ed wa rd Burg hardt Du Bois, as a figurehea d to make believe that he was the actual founde r. Moreov er, every since its inceptio n in 1909 the NAACP di d not have black leaders until the mid 1970s when Benjamin Hooks was allowed to be the first black president, but with strings attached and controlled by Jews behind the scene, and in light of the farcical celebration of 'freedom' brought to blacks by the 'civil rights' loudly proclaimed in the Zionist- controlled US mass media starting in the summer of 1969. Also, it is opportune to tell you that most -if not all- decisions favourable to the 'civil rights' sham, were made by courts and other system institutions or the mass media controlled by the elite, on behalf of whom the 'civil rights' farce was creat ed and establis hed in fulfil ment of thei r agenda. The 'civil rights' was neither a grass roots initiative nor a 'movement' either, but rather a plan elaborated by outsiders Zionists who saw an opportunity to exploit the wretched condition of blacks to advance their own plans.

The Jewish Plan for Genocide of USA Whites. Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. This is not proof that he wrote a book entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century. Racial and ti: Program and ti: Twentieth. A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century. A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century (occasionally A Radical Program for the Twentieth Century) was a hoax that.


The Twentieth Century Imdb

The men who conceived and created the so-called 'civil rights' lie on behalf of the elite, were not concerned with the rights or well-being of no one, but kn ew th at th e di sm al co nd it io n of bl ac ks was an op po rt un it y in th ei r vulnerability, to gain a loyal subordinate who would contribute and help wit h the ir age nda for wor ld dom ina tio n, thu s the wel l-k now n all ian ce between blacks and Jews in the US. The NAACP has a website located at www.naacp.org which you can visit, but do not expect to find this factual historical information therein. They do not want you or anyone else to know these hidden facts.

Y ou will, however, find hints pointing out at the use of the capitalist elite-created ideology known as communism, which their agents used very effectively to convince blacks that the 'solution' to the problems of injustice against them, was to be found in communism which the elite agents urged blacks to embrace. And they did. The blacks eagerly accepted what was offered to them, in line with the conspiratorial th eo ri es ou tl in ed by th e Zi on is t wr it in gs of Is rae l Co he n in hi s boo k entitled 'A racial program for the 20th Century.' All contents of Israel Cohen's book were relevant to all intents and purposes, but some parts of his book were more prominent than others within the context of the true in te nt io ns cl ea rl y ex pr ess ed in hi s wr it in gs. Th e po rt io n of hi s bo ok appeari ng below is highly noticeabl e in that it corresponds with the socia l reality we have witnessed for four decades, regarding the 'integration' pr oces s of bla cks int o the eli te- own ed cap it ali st sys tem.

Isr ael Coh en' s writings express his Zionist theory in the following way. W e must re alise tha t our most powerfu l weapon is racia l tension.

The Twentieth Century Tv Show


By pounding into the mind and consciousness of the Negro race that for many centuries whites have oppresse d them, we can mould them to our program. T he t e r ms c ol on i al i sm an d i mp er i al i sm mu s t be in c l ud e d i n ou r propaganda. In A merica we wil l aim for s ubtle vi ctory. While i nflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will endeavour to instil in whites a g ui lt y co mp le x fo r en sl av in g Ne gr os. W e wi ll ra is e th e Ne gr o to prominence in the world of sports, entertainment and professions; with the high prestige we will create for them, Negros will be able to intermarry with whites and thus begin a process which will deliver America to our cause. If you are old enough to have witnessed the 'integration' process of US bl ack s int o thi s ban kers -ow ned sys tem by usi ng the ir con tro lle d mas s media -mainly television- and Hollywood movies throughout the 1970s, 1980s and even the 1990s, you are likely to link the contents of Israel Cohen's writings with mind conditioning and programming every since and up to present times. If you do you are correct as the written words of Israel Cohen clearly and without possible doubt coincide with the pathetic US social real ity of the past forty years.

T o honour the truth and decency, it must be admitted that mass media brainwashing as a vital element to ach iev e the 'in teg rat ion ' of bla cks int o thi s cap ita lis t cri mi nal sys tem, contains Nazi traits in direct line with methods utilized by the government of Adolf Hitler in Germany. The key method consists of repeating the fundamental message ad nauseam even if presented in a variety of formats.

The fascist were -and stil l are- true experts on mass-brainwa shing and one effective method is repeating lies over-and-over every day, weeks, months, years and even generations, until the lies take on a life of their own and the dumb-down sheep of zombies believe them unthinkingly as 'true.' Joseph Goebbels, who was Minister of Propaganda in the Nazi government of Ado lf Hit ler, desc rib ed the met hod tha t prod uce d the bes t resu lts and success.